Ahh, the peaceful transfer of power. The pomp and circumstance. The ceremony. The music. An example to the world. (Wow, that Barron is tall!)
Too bad the common citizens of America couldn’t also be there, in person, but then, as so many people have said to me over the weekend, we all understand that the security and protection of President Trump must come first. We don’t want to repeat the attempts on Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump. This day is too important.
Just think of the logistic nightmare that so many people had to deal with to make the last-minute change and pull off an excellent ceremony. People who don’t have to organize events may not understand how difficult it is to organize an event, let alone change it at the last minute.
During the introductions, Senator Klobuchar called the Capitol building “the people’s house,” but she doesn’t believe that – as demonstrated by the Democrats imprisoning common people who protested at the Capitol back on January 6th, in a building they own, that they paid for, and for which they should never be denied access. It is truly the people’s house, and the politicians should never be allowed to keep the people out.

At 12:01 pm Eastern time, the new president was sworn in and the nation took on new leadership. (I was annoyed that I noticed immediately that Justice Roberts rushed things, and didn’t pause for Trump to put his hand on the bible.) And I got a little teary-eyed as did Donald Trump Jr. You can just imagine what he was thinking – the hell he and his dad went through to get here.
The Marine Corps choir did a marvelous job singing Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.
As Trump spoke the names of so many new leaders, I realized that Republicans now control all three branches of government. Our new president has the ability to implement a new vision – a traditional and patriotic America again, where you can be proud to be American. Where America leads. Where America, like the Republican party, values individualism.
The Trump administration must act quickly, to implement change, as Trump said, don’t wait.
There’s only one term, only four years, well, really, much less than that. They must be bold, they must be action-oriented. Do not debate, do not delay, do not draw it out. Make it happen, right now.
So many of the failures of the Biden administration are a repeat of the Carter administration, and the Trump administration is a duplicate of the success of the Reagan administration.
As Trump said – and as I remind those of you not old enough to remember – Reagan was also saved by God by an assassin’s bullet, and now so too, has Trump been saved, as he said, to carry out his purpose.
Even liberals I have talked to, young people, blacks, Hispanics, and everyone in between that have briefly mentioned their thoughts to me, they too support this new president. Hopefully, the Democrats won’t attempt to do what they are rumored to be preparing to do – file all kinds of lawsuits. Just like I could tell before the election that there simply wasn’t the appetite by liberals to cheat again in the presidential election, so too, there is no appetite now for Democrat obstructionism to Trump’s goals.
And like Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, Trump doesn’t get any credit for avoiding wars or winning wars without firing a shot. Reagan won the Cold War, but the left continues to pretend he had little to do with it. Historians too often celebrate presidents who got us into war (too late to prevent a larger war) or who let a war drag on because they failed to have our nation prepared for war – to prevent war. But those same historians fail to celebrate the presidents who prevented war.
Unfortunately, one thing tainted the ceremony, and I can’t pardon Biden for his pardoning his entire family and pardoning Fauci and the January 6th committee. Those people in particular have ruined the lives of thousands of Americans and now they are free to wreak havoc on others going forward.
The Democrats can be so despicable; they make sure that all their criminal activity is given a pass, while real Americans, private citizens, are prosecuted for phony crimes.
Some Democrats view politics as a career, as a path to power, to impose on others that which they cannot achieve through their own hard work and efforts. Republicans, on the other hand, view politics as a necessary evil to be tolerated, and only used to prevent the government from interfering in our lives.
On a higher note, VP Vance is the other true American story. Vance came from nothing, abject poverty, has only been in political office for a short time, and now he is Vice President and will, no doubt, run for president in 3 years.
It’s been a long four years but with hard work, perseverance, and understanding the game of politics better than they have in the past, Republicans (in particular in Dane County, Wisconsin) understand how to play the game.
Next year marks the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, declaring 13 small and humble colonies occupying a tiny fraction of today’s great nation, free and independent. The Founding Fathers (and their wives) pledged their very lives. Had they failed, the consequences would have been severe – they would have been executed by the British. So let’s not forget that – the sacrifice that so many have given for us to be free. So let us not forget our humble beginnings… America sets the standard for other nations to follow. So many nations look to us for inspiration, light, leadership, and to set an example.
A new era has begun. Let the light shine through.
Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. WRN does not make endorsements of candidates or direct readers to vote for or against any candidate or issue. On October 18 and November 23, 2023, Donald Trump tweeted out on Trump’s Truth Social account T. Wall’s October 6th column on Trump’s property valuations. T. Wall has appeared on Fox News, Jesse Waters Show on Fox, Newsmax, CBS, NBC, Spectrum News 1, USA Today, X.com, YouTube, and numerous Madison and Milwaukee news programs and local newspapers (Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Middleton Review, Middleton Times Tribune, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a dozen other Wisconsin papers) and previously wrote a column for InBusiness magazine and the Middleton Times Tribune for five years each. T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and his full time career is as a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!