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Home Breaking Donald Trump is Crushing Joe Biden With Hispanics in Wisconsin, Poll Shows

Donald Trump is Crushing Joe Biden With Hispanics in Wisconsin, Poll Shows

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Former President Donald Trump is absolutely crushing President Joe Biden with Hispanics in Wisconsin, according to a new Marquette Law School poll, which was released on Feb. 7.

The poll also shows that more than one-fourth of likely black voters in the state are undecided between Trump and Biden; the black vote has historically been a reliable constituency for Democrats.

Among registered voters: 57% of Hispanics want Trump compared to 31% for Biden. Haven’t decided? 12%.

The same chart shows that 24% of black voters plan to vote for Trump compared to 54% for Biden, with 22% undecided.

The question was: If the 2024 election for president were held today between Former President Donald Trump, the Republican, and President Joe Biden, the Democrat, would you vote for Donald Trump or for Joe Biden or haven’t you decided? The column on left represents those who answered Trump, with the column to the right of it, Biden’s voters.

Trump hispanic votersWhat about likely voters? Asked the same question, 51% of Hispanic voters chose Trump compared to 31% for Biden with 18% undecided.

Ten percent of black voters picked Trump, compared to 63% for Biden with 28% undecided.

Trump hispanic voters

Taken together, the poll shows that Biden is losing minority voters in the key battleground state.

Although the Marquette poll is considered the most reliable state pollster, it is a poll that has dramatically UNDER estimated Trump’s support in the past.

Overall, the poll shows Trump and Biden tied at 49% each among registered voters. However, Trump leads Biden 50% to 49% among LIKELY voters.

That shows slippage for Biden who was ahead of Trump by 2% in November in each category.

Trump defeats Biden by 3% in Wisconsin if third-party candidates Jill Stein, Cornel West, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are included in the mix.

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