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Washington County Sheriff Investigates Richfield Home Invasion

Richfield Home Invasion

A home invasion robbery was reported on Tuesday, Oct 17 to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department.

The robbery happened in the Nob Hill Drive subdivision north of CTH Q in the Village of Richfield.

According to a press release, “Three younger black males were observed in the subdivision for at least an hour before the package was delivered a little after 5:00 p.m. It is believed that they were in the area waiting for the anticipated delivery of the package and were observed in what is described as a dark-colored newer SUV, possibly a Chevy Equinox.

The male suspect who went up to the house and originally confronted the homeowners is described as a shorter/skinnier black male around 18 years of age wearing a yellow traffic vest. He was observed on foot in the subdivision leading up to this incident as well.

This incident is believed to be related to a targeted identity theft of the victim as the package that was delivered was addressed to him but was not purchased by our victim.

The suspect then identified himself as having the same name as the victim and indicated that his package had been accidentally delivered to the Nob Hill subdivision. When the victim asked for identification, the suspect attempted to force his way into the house to obtain the package. That attempt was unsuccessful, and the suspect fled. At that point the incident was reported to our agency and the package which contained Apple I Phones was taken into evidence.

The two male suspects in the armed home invasion several hours later are also described as shorter/ skinnier black males. Both were wearing masks. It is unknown if this was the same suspect as earlier or different, but the incidents are clearly connected. The suspects demanded the package and fled without taking anything after the victims pleaded with them that they no longer had the package.”

The press release continues, “Our hearts go out to these victims who had to endure two horrifically traumatic events in a short period. We appreciate the community support in providing us with information and assure everyone that we will continue to divert all available resources and utilize all partnerships with other law enforcement agencies to identify and bring to justice these perpetrators.”

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