Monday, October 21, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024

Milwaukee Press Club 'Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism' 2020 & 2021 Award Winners

Wauwatosa Sniper Victim’s Family ‘Irate’ Over Parole; Evers’ DOC Finally Apologizes


“I would bet if that were Evers’ mother lying on the street after being shot by Jenkins he would not have let him out of prison, but I guess my grandmother in his eyes is not that important,” – Mark Henke of Wauwatosa.

Two family members of Gladys Redlich, the elderly woman who was randomly shot to death by a killer sniper who hid in the bushes of a well-traveled Wauwatosa park, are “irate” that Gov. Tony Evers’ appointee released the murderer, Scott Jenkins, early on discretionary parole to Milwaukee, where he is under minimum supervision. They say they blame Evers “100%.”

Mark Henke, Redlich’s grandson, told Wisconsin Right Now that he is “irate – very irate” that Jenkins was released early. Henke and his wife, Cathi, said the family did not even know Jenkins was up for parole.

“By the time I heard about it, it was too late,” Mark said of the parole. “We feel totally helpless. Nobody knew what to do.”

The Henkes, of Wauwatosa, told Wisconsin Right Now that they received a call this week from Elizabeth Lucas, the director of the Office of Victim Services for the state Department of Corrections. That’s a state agency under Evers’ direct authority run by a cabinet appointee of the governor’s. The Henkes said that Lucas apologized to them for the victim notification problems.

The parole “really has me fuming,” Mark Henke says. “To me, it’s a life sentence. A first-degree murderer should never be released. He should never see the light of day. You did what you did. I could care less if he’s rehabilitated in any way, shape or form. When you take someone’s life, I’m sorry, but you should never be let out.”

The murder of Gladys Redlich, an active bowler and widow, was horrific. Jenkins, now 61, hid in the bushes with a sniper rifle because, he told police, he wanted to kill someone. He missed a jogger and shot a camper first, narrowly missing a child. Then, he trained the sight on the little old lady, who was walking her schnauzer dog down the sidewalk in the Menomonee River Parkway at 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning, shot her in the back, and then pretended to be a passerby trying to give her aid. Redlich, 76, died in the 1982 attack. It’s one of many cases of brutal killers and rapists paroled by Evers’ two-time appointee. The governor has not commented on the cases.

Mark said he believes Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes are “letting killers back on the streets to try to save dollars.”

The Henkes are terrified that they can’t find out exactly where Jenkins lives in the City of Milwaukee. They say that Lucas, whose office is in charge of victim notifications for parole hearings, would not tell them where exactly Jenkins lives. She also revealed that Jenkins is only on minimum supervision.

The Henkes say the family did not know about the parole hearing, even though a relative was notified of the parole after-the-fact in a letter when it was “too late” to stop it. Commission Chairman John Tate testified that the Parole Commission notifies victims of parole grants, largely using a notification database maintained by the DOC office. But Lucas’s office notifies victims or their families of the parole hearings.

Their story is part of a very troubling pattern. We found multiple families who say they were not aware that the killers of their loved ones were even up for parole. In fact, last May, a wife killer’s parole was revoked after outcry from a victim’s family; they did not all receive notification.

Gladys redlich
Gladys redlich

Mark said he blames Evers “100%” for the parole. Evers reappointed Commission Chairman John Tate, who had authority over the release, after he freed Jenkins, saying he was “pleased” to do so. He finally pressured Tate to resign last May, which he did.

“You can bet when I come to vote, I will not vote for him,” Henke said of Evers. Mark and Cathi did say they want it noted that the family is divided on this question; some family members don’t blame Evers and believe there are other issues at play, such as prison overcrowding, they said.

Mark Henke told Wisconsin Right Now that his dad, Redlich’s son-in-law, was signed up for the victim notification system at one point and wrote the parole board repeatedly objecting to Jenkins’ release. But the dad died a couple of years ago. Lucas told them that his enrollment was deleted at that time without further outreach to the family. She told them another relative was in the system and that a notice was generated within the notification system online.

However, they believe that the relative is an elderly person who isn’t comfortable with the Internet. In short, it all added up to the state doing nothing proactively to make sure family members knew about the parole hearing, and the family not learning Jenkins was up for parole when they could have tried to stop it. We found many variations of this problem. Some victims’ families didn’t know the enrollment system existed, some didn’t update their information in it, one received notices for years until they suddenly stopped. One issue is that the government alerts victims’ families to the notification enrollment system at the time of the criminal case; in some of these cases, that was 30-40 years ago, and victims’ family members were juveniles at the time.

State law says a reasonable effort must be made to notify families.

“He was logged in and had an account for that website,” Henke says of his dad and the victim notification system. He said the family has his dad’s login credentials, but they no longer work.

“We don’t know if there was a parole hearing or that there was a parole hearing. There wasn’t any warning to anyone of us,” Mark Henke said. “It would have been nice to know.”

Gladys redlich
Gladys redlich

The state Department of Corrections says Jenkins, now 61, was granted parole on March 17, 2020, and he lives in Milwaukee. On social media, Jenkins describes moving throughout the community, going to Mayfair Mall, Metro Market, and the laundromat. The parole was discretionary. Killers serving life sentences do not qualify for mandatory release.

Corrections releases killers’ cities but not their exact address, unless they are registered sex offenders, which Jenkins is not.

“I live in my grandmother’s house today,” Mark says, noting that, at the time of the murder, Jenkins “lived literally two blocks up the street. For all we know, he could be blocks away. I’m concerned he could be right next door to me, and what makes me think he is rehabilitated?”

Cathi Henke noted that Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes is part of the Evers’ administration too and criticized both Evers’ and Barnes’ soft-on-crime philosophy. Both men have called for emptying the prisons by 50%. Barnes said on video that he thinks reducing the prison population is “sexy.”

“I find it reprehensible that the word he (Barnes) used is ‘sexy,'” Cathi said. “It’s disgusting.” Of Evers and Barnes, she said: “They’re making our streets less safe, which is frightening.” She said Barnes’ comment was “sick.”

Gladys redlich
Gladys redlich

Mark explained that Gladys and her husband used to run a butcher shop in Milwaukee. They built their home in Wauwatosa in the early 1960s. It was supposed to be their retirement home, two blocks off the Menomonee River Parkway.

His grandfather passed away first. Mark had just left the Navy when he got the news that his grandmother was murdered.

She was 76 when she was shot to death, but she was a very active woman, he said. “She was still bowling with a 16-pound bowling ball,” he said. “She took walks every day. She took her dog literally to the parkway and walked her dog every day.”

The day of her death was a quiet Saturday morning at 8 a.m. in 1982. As usual, Gladys took her schnauzer dog for a walk. Jenkins, then 21, shot her in the back. The bullet exited her chest.

“I put the scope on several people, and then I shot the old lady,” Jenkins told police, according to a 1982 article in the Marshfield News-Herald.

Creepily, after murdering her, Jenkins jogged toward Gladys Redlich as she lay bleeding on the sidewalk and pretended to be a passer-by who came to help the dying victim he had just shot.

“She was in the wrong place at the wrong time,” says Mark. “By the next time I saw her, it was in a casket.”

They were told she was shot and killed. The killer, Jenkins, who later told police he wanted to kill someone, had first taken shots at a camper off an overpass (narrowly missing a child inside) and missed a jogger.

He sat in the bushes in the parkway with a rifle fitted with a scope, and he trained it on Gladys Redlich. The sniper shot the elderly woman, killing her. Her dog was found standing at her side.

Cathi said Gladys was “warm and caring; she loved her family.” She had a standing Sunday dinner for her kids and grandkids on Sundays, including foster children raised by her daughter and son-in-law.

They believe that Jenkins targeted Gladys because he had missed the younger jogger, and she was a “nice, slow-moving target, an old lady with a dog.”

“He was hiding in the bushes.”

Gladys redlich
Gladys redlich

It could have been anyone.

Cathi said she “doesn’t feel safe.” She said the death was a “terrible loss to the family,” and Jenkins “doesn’t show any remorse. He’s out and can live his life now, but the victim doesn’t return when he gets out. Grandma is still gone,” she said.

The crime’s randomness is chilling. “The part that bothers me is he didn’t have any knowledge of the person,” Cathi said. “He didn’t have any quarrel with her. He randomly chose a victim. What makes you think he wouldn’t again?”

Mark wrote an email to the Parole Commission. At first, he received an automated response. He demanded to know whether the board communicates with the immediate family to let victims know killers may be released. He declared himself “very disappointed” with Tony Evers and asked, “how are we to know this piece of garbage was released? For all we know, he could live by us. Is there supposed to be any communication with the immediate family?”

He eventually received the call from Lucas, who apologized profusely.

Cathi said she believes Evers and Barnes are responsible because their administration “appointed a person who wants to help clean out the prisons to help save taxpayer money. That’s not in the best interest of the communities and residents of the State of Wisconsin.”

Cathi believes the Milwaukee media are “suppressing” the information about the parole. The story was a big news story at the time, but now the Milwaukee media are silent.

“The community needs to know who is walking the streets,” she said, adding that the parole was “done and swept under the rug.”

“We’ve been victimized twice,” said Cathi.

Wisconsin Right Now profiled the Jenkins’ release as part of our project to educate the public on the paroles.

“Once I read that article (in Wisconsin Right Now), I felt a little more motivated to figure out what’s going on,” said Cathi. “To make people aware. I am not happy.”

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Trump Mans the Fryer at Pennsylvania McDonald’s

A Philadelphia-area McDonald's onboarded a new worker on Sunday: former President Donald Trump.

The Republican nominee’s campaign shared footage of an employee at the Feasterville location in Bucks County training Trump, a black and yellow apron shielding his trademark red tie, how to cook the restaurant’s iconic French fries.

In separate clips, Trump serves customers waiting at the drive-thru window and pays their bills out of his own pocket.

ICONIC 🍟— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024

“I’m going for a job right now at McDonald’s,” Trump, known as a frequent patron of the fast-food chain himself, told reporters after he deboarded a plane in Philadelphia earlier Sunday. “I’ve really wanted to do this all my life and now I’m going to do it, because she didn’t do it.”

The “she” in question is Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee also vying for the White House in November. The story of the candidate’s humble beginnings, as the child of divorced parents living in Oakland, includes a brief stint working at McDonald’s during college – a fact she touted often in her failed bid for president in 2019 – possibly while at Howard University, possibly in the Bay Area.

She tweeted about it June 14, 2019. Fact-checking news outlets, including Snopes, could not confirm the claim then or today.

The Trump campaign isn't buying.

“We have checked with McDonald’s and they say, definitively, that there is no record of Lyin’ Kamala Harris ever having worked there,” Trump’s campaign said on X. “In other words, she never worked there, and has lied about this job for years.”

WATCH: The crowd roars as President Trump waves from the McDonald's drive-through window— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024

Multiple media reports allege management at the Alameda, Calif., restaurant won’t respond to questions about the authenticity of Harris’ employment there four decades ago.

Of note, the Trump campaign has not offered any proof to dispute Harris’ claims beyond his reported conversations with unnamed McDonald’s employees. The Democratic nominee’s campaign also shoots down the claim as a “desperate” attack on her character.

“When Trump feels desperate, all he knows how to do is lie,” Harris campaign spokesman Ian Sams told to U.S. News & World Report on Sunday. “He can’t understand what it’s like to have a summer job because he was handed millions on a silver platter, only to blow it."

In Pennsylvania, widely viewed as the most pivotal swing state in the 2024 election, the contest between Harris and Trump has been neck-and-neck for weeks. In the most recent RealClear Politics polling average of surveys conducted through Oct. 17, the former president holds a 0.7 percentage point lead in Pennsylvania. Only in Wisconsin and North Carolina are his margins smaller.

Of note, although Harris leads nationally by 0.9 percentage points, Trump leads in all seven swing states by an average of 1 percentage point, according to RealClear.

Frederick Walls Trump Holds Cash Special Counsel Jack Smith Iowa Victory for Trump Remove Trump From Primary Ballot

Poll: Trump 1st to Clear Margin of Error, Leads by 5 in North Carolina

Less than 48 hours before arrival in North Carolina and just over two weeks until Election Day, Donald Trump has become the first to clear the margin of error leading a presidential poll in the battleground state.

Trump leads Kamala Harris 51%-46% in the latest poll from Rasmussen Reports and American Thinker. The margin of error is +/- 3% with a 95% level of confidence in the sampling of 1,042 likely voters taken Oct. 9 through Monday.

Trump is slated for a visit to the East Carolina University campus in Greenville on Monday afternoon, where he’ll speak from Minges Coliseum. Pitt County was a 53.96%-44.51% win for the challenger Biden against the incumbent Republican in 2020, taking more than 47,000 of 87,573 votes.

Pitt was one of 10 counties, and the southern-most sans one, east of Interstate 95 he captured. The Maine to Florida connector is recognized as a bit of a divider for the state, with more populous areas toward the western two-thirds and plenty of rural socioeconomic challenges from it to the Atlantic Ocean.

Other key answers from the poll: Federal funding is favored 80%-12% for Americans impacted by disaster over “assistance for illegal aliens;” 70% prefer “major change” to “business as usual” in relation to the next president’s governing; and Harris, daughter of an Indian mother and Jamaican father, is collecting 70% of Black voters as compared to 92% by Biden in 2020.

The top issues question in choosing a president or U.S. senator was led by the economy (33%), border security (17%) and abortion (12%). At 7% each were violent crime, climate change and government corruption. Education (5%) matched other (5%) and was just in front of not sure (4%) and global conflicts and war (3%). North Carolina does not have a Senate seat race this year.

On the question of “who is the biggest enemy America faces?” the Democratic Party got 27%, China 19%, the Republican Party 16%, Russia 15%, domestic extremists 9%, unsure 8%, and Iran 6%.

In 2020, Trump won North Carolina 49.9%-48.6% over the ticket of Biden and Harris. In 2016, Trump won the state 49.8%-46.2% over the ticket of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Trump outperformed the September and October polls each time.

North Carolina is one of seven consensus battleground states that collectively pivot 93 electoral college votes. Few prognosticators believe either candidate can win without the state or Pennsylvania, and perhaps need to take both.

Pennsylvania has 19 electoral college votes, North Carolina and Georgia 16 each, Michigan 15, Arizona 11, Wisconsin 10 and Nevada six.

The 78-year-old Trump has a 20-point platform, led by a return to enforcement of securing national borders. He chastises the Democrats for inflation that at 2.4% remains higher than when he left office in January 2021, yet is considerably lower than the 9.1% high of June 2022 in the era of Bidenomics. Energy independence and “manufacturing superpower” are also in his top five.

Harris, second in command to Biden and turning 60 on Sunday, says her top issues are an opportunity economy and lower costs for families. Tax cuts for the middle class, affordable rent and home ownership, and growth by small businesses also top her list. On abortion she favors federal regulation over state authority, meaning a return to Roe v. Wade.

Republicans own an unmistakable 14-cycle pattern in presidential elections. Since Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson carried North Carolina and won the presidency in 1964, only Democrats Jimmy Carter (1976) and Barack Obama (2008) have prevailed. Respectively four years later for each, they lost to Ronald Reagan and Mitt Romney.

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kamala harris

Kamala Harris Touts Legalization of Marijuana Stance to Court Black Men

Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday touted her support for legalizing marijuana, explicitly tying the issue to her effort to get support from Black voters in a social media post that drew immediate pushback.

Harris posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, a call to legalize recreational marijuana and specifically said the policy would help Black men.

“Breaking down unjust barriers that hold Black men and other Americans back and making sure Black Americans have opportunities to succeed as the market place takes shape,” Harris said, adding that "no one should go to jail for smoking weed."

One commenter on X remarked, “All Black People DON'T smoke weed...Other races smoke weed too; I don't think you understand how insulting this post is!”

The more common pushback, though, came from critics pointing out that Harris actively prosecuted marijuana-related crimes during her time as attorney general in California.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard helped end Harris’ presidential campaign in 2020 by bringing up this very issue at the Democratic debate.

“Now Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record,” Gabbard said at the debate.

“She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana,” Gabbard continued, referring to Harris laughing when admitting she smoked weed during an interview on The Breakfast Club.

Fact-checkers later pushed back on that number, but Harris' tough-on-crime stance while in California and her prosecution of marijuana-related offenses is indisputable.

Harris comments come after The Center Square Voter’s Voice poll showed that Harris is getting less support from likely Black voters than former President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and President Joe Biden.

As The Center Square previously reported, Harris received 79% support among Black voters in the national survey while former President Donald Trump received 16% support from likely Black voters.

Harris’ 79% support is significantly lower than the three former Democratic presidential candidates, which could be a factor in the very close presidential race.

Obama received 95% of the Black vote in 2008 while former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton received about 91% support in 2016, and Biden received 92% support in 2020.

In an apparent effort to close the gap, Harris also posted on Monday about “creating an opportunity agenda for black men,” another attempt to court the demographic.

The post also said Harris would “provide 1 million loans that are fully forgivable up to $20k for Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business” and “support education training, and mentorship programs that lead to good-paying jobs for Black men, including pathways to become teachers.”

She also pledged to “protect cryptocurrency investments so Black men who make them know their money is safe” and “launch a national health initiative focused on the illnesses that disproportionately impact Black men.”

Obama chided Black men in a speech last week for their hesitancy to support Harris.

​​“Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” Obama said, referring to the lower support for Harris among Black men.

Special Interest Aliens

Texas Troopers Arrest More Special Interest Aliens, Including Men From Iran

Texas Department of Public Safety troopers working through Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star, continue to arrest “special interest aliens,” primarily men from countries of foreign concern. That includes Iran, a U.S. State Department designated State Sponsor of Terrorism.

Texas DPS first sounded the alarm about increasing arrests of SIAs last month, The Center Square first reported.

In the past week, DPS troopers have arrested dozens of SIAs, Texas DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez said in a series of social media posts.

SIAs are noncitizens who, based “on an analysis of travel patterns,” are “known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism” who “potentially poses a national security risk to the United States,” the U.S. Department of Homeland Security explains. Having an SIA designation does not necessarily mean the individual is a terrorist, but their travel pattern “indicates a possible nexus to nefarious activity (including terrorism) and, at a minimum, provides indicators that necessitate heightened screening and further investigation,” DHS says.

On Oct. 11, DPS troopers apprehended 165 foreign nationals in Quemado, outside of Eagle Pass, after they illegally entered Texas from Mexico. Among them were 14 identified as SIAs – citizens of Iran, Egypt, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

President Joe Biden recently extended executive orders declaring multiple national emergencies citing national security threats related to Iran, ISIS, Syria, Afghanistan and the DRC, The Center Square reported.

In a video posted by DPS, apprehended Iranian SIAs stated their names and information about themselves in English. They said they are from Iran, they came through Mexico and were going to Florida, Las Vegas and San Francisco, respectively.

DPS troopers also arrested 57 illegal foreign nationals for criminal trespass – citizens of Peru, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, and Ecuador, Olivarez said.

On Oct. 13, Texas DPS troopers recovered 29 “unaccompanied alien children” (UACs) between the ages of 10 and 17. They all claimed to already have sponsors in New York, California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, and other states, he said.

On Oct. 14, Texas DPS troopers also recovered 23 UACs including 16 boys and seven girls, he said. Olivarez published a video of the UACs who stated their ages in Spanish.

All UACs are handed over to Border Patrol, which processes them and turns them over to the supervision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. HHS ORR is rife with allegations of abuse, the non-vetting of sponsors, losing track of more than 100,000 UACs after they are released into the US, among other allegations prompting multiple congressional investigations. A House Committee also recently subpoenaed the head of HHS to provide information about UACs.

One Democratic U.S. senator from Oregon blocked an attempt to halt funding for organizations accused of abusing UACs; 158 House Democrats voted against deporting violent offenders, including child sex offenders.

One Texas group, Alliance for a Safe Texas, has called for action in Texas since the majority of UACs are housed in HHS-contracted facilities in the state, The Center Square first reported.

So far, through OLS, Texas DPS troopers have rescued over 900 UACs, The Center Square reported. Border Patrol agents are also continuing to rescue drugged UACs believed to have been abused and smuggled into the country.

On Oct. 14, Texas DPS troopers also apprehended a large group of illegal border crossers on private property in Maverick County. They included family groups, the 23 UACs and 22 SIAs – citizens of Egypt and Turkey, Olivarez said.

Last month, troopers apprehended SIAs from Turkey, all single military age men, The Center Square reported.

Last month, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, filed a bill to require the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to publish data on SIAs who are apprehended illegally entering the U.S., The Center Square first reported.

SIA data collected by DHS has never been made public under any administration.

There have been at least 73,000 SIAs arrested under the Biden-Harris administration, Greene said at a congressional hearing. The number “does not include the potential special interest aliens among the 2 million known gotaways,” she said.

She’s referring to illegal border crossers who intentionally evade capture, don’t return to Mexico or Canada, run when pursued by law enforcement and aren’t apprehended, or their tracks are found by law enforcement and reported, officials have explained to The Center Square. They now total over 2 million since fiscal 2021, the greatest number reported under any presidential administration, The Center Square first reported.

trump suspect

Bets: 3 Weeks to go, & Trump Ascending to Favorite

Just 22 days from Election Day, Republican Donald Trump is the betting favorite over Kamala Harris 54.1%-44.9%.

Six times the favorite has changed since the vice president became the clear choice of Democrats in the wake of President Joe Biden quitting. The latest difference is the largest since the first of those shifts.

“We are going to defeat Kamala Harris, and we are going to usher in a new golden age of American success for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed,” Trump said on social media Sunday.

Harris, campaigning Sunday in North Carolina, told her audience, "As president it is my pledge to you that I will always fight for all the American people, and together we will build a brighter future for our nation."

Trump has a 20-point platform, led by a return to enforcement of securing national borders. He chastises the Democrats for inflation that at 2.4% remains higher than when he left office in January 2021, yet is considerably lower than the 9.1% high of June 2022 under the watch of President Joe Biden. Energy independence and “manufacturing superpower” are also in his top five.

Harris, second in command to Biden, says her top issues are an opportunity economy and lower costs for families. Tax cuts for the middle class, affordable rent and home ownership, and growth by small businesses also top her list. She favors a return to Roe v. Wade on abortion.

Trump is favored on all seven of the RealClear sources to generate the betting average. Points Bet (57%) is strongest on the Republican, followed by Betsson (56%), Bwin (55%), Bovada (54%), Smarkets (53%), and Polymarket (52%) and Betfair (52%).

At the time of the first assassination attempt of Trump, he was running against Biden and his difference soared to plus-48.5 that July day. It was still over plus-42 a day before Biden quit and Harris assumed preferred candidate choice of Democrats.

The betting favorite changed to Harris on Aug. 8, went back to Trump on Aug. 21 as the Democratic National Convention closed though only for two days, came back to Trump again on Aug. 29, went back to Harris when they debated Sept. 10, and returned to Trump’s favor on Oct. 6.

In many states with early in-person voting, polls open this week.

11 Million IllegalsmSouthern Border Arrests

In Endorsing Trump, Border Patrol Union Pushes Back Against Biden, Harris Claims

The National Border Patrol Council, the union representing roughly 16,000 Border Patrol agents nationwide, endorsed former President Donald Trump for president while criticizing President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

On Monday, the union issued a statement, saying, “On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Border Patrol Council, we strongly support and endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.”

They did so after endorsing Trump at a Prescott, Ariz., rally on Sunday where Trump was joined by many Border Patrol leaders.

"If we allow border czar Harris to win this election, every city, every community in this great country is going to go to hell. The untold millions of people unvetted, who she has allowed into this country that are committing murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries and every other crime will continue to put our country in peril,” NBPC’s new president, Paul Perez, said.

"Only one man can fix that. That is Donald J. Trump. He has always stood with the men and women who protect this border, who put their lives on the line for the country."

The union also said border experts want Trump to be president “so that the border can be secured without compromise. Only the drug cartels and Democrats want an open border – that’s what Border Czar Harris has given them and will continue to do in the future.”

The union’s leaders for the last nearly four years have joined Trump at border events in Texas and Arizona. After Trump announced he was running for reelection, the NBPC’s former president, Brandon Judd, endorsed him and joined him at campaign events.

The NBPC has repeatedly criticized the border policies of Biden and Harris, arguing they created the border crisis. The union has also repeatedly fact checked claims they’ve made, including refuting that it had ever endorsed Biden for president.

Prior to dropping out of the presidential race, during the June presidential debate, Biden claimed, “the Border Patrol union endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

In response, the union posted a statement on X, saying, “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

During the Sept. 10 presidential debate between Harris and Trump, Harris made comments related to “the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity,” which the union criticized. “She apparently only cares about other countries' sovereignty b/c when it comes to America, she and President Biden opened up the border, erasing any semblance of sovereignty,” it said.

After Harris made claims about her border policies at a campaign event in Douglas, Ariz., the union said, “VP Harris claimed that she played a role in increasing Border Patrol Agent overtime pay. This couldn't be further from the truth. As with all things border related she was no where to be found when we needed her.”

In response to Harris claiming that Border Patrol agents needed more resources, the union said, “We have apprehended over 8 million illegal immigrants over the last 4 years and now you realize we need more help 38 days before the election.

“Vice president Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3 1/2 years?”

During the debate and at campaign rallies, Harris has repeatedly claimed she would sign a Senate border bill into law, which she says allocated funding to hire 1,500 Border Patrol agents. She and others claim Trump killed the bill.

On Sunday, Trump vowed to immediately ask Congress for funds to hire an additional 10,000 Border Patrol employees, give existing agents a 10% raise, and create a $10,000 retention and signing bonus, if elected president.

“I will always stand with the incredible men and women of Border Patrol,” he said. “They have a tremendous shortage because they haven’t been treated right. They want to do their jobs. You know, they consider it bad treatment when you’re not allowed to do your jobs.”

The Senate border bill does the opposite of what Harris and other proponents claim, according to the bill language, including allowing an unlimited number of illegal foreign nationals into the country due to numerous exceptions. The bill would codify existing policies created by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for which he was impeached in February, which Republicans argue is facilitating the ongoing crisis.

Texas officials also argued the bill would codify mass migration and nullify state sovereignty.

U.S. Senate Democrats and Independents ultimately didn’t support it; Senate Democratic leadership never brought it to a vote.

U.S. Senate Democrats have also sought to distance themselves from Biden-Harris border policies as local communities grapple with increased crime and social services costs associated with illegal border crossers. Senate leadership also refused to consider a border bill passed by the U.S. House.

Despite Harris’ recent campaign claims, while a U.S. senator, she sought to reduce funding and staff of federal border agencies, including seeking to eliminate U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement, the agency responsible for removing some of the most dangerous criminals.

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Federal Ban on Transgender Procedures For Minors Help Not Harm Act Transgender Treatments Gender Surgeries

Poll: Majority of Voters Favor a Federal Ban on Transgender Procedures For Minors

Most registered voters, 59%, support a federal ban on transgender procedures such as puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries for minors, a new national poll found.

The strongest support for a federal ban came from registered Republicans (82%), while the lowest amount of support for it came from registered Democrats (36%). Independents polled offered majority support for a ban, with 56% in favor.

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll was conducted by Noble Predictive Insights between Oct.2-4 and surveyed 2,560 registered voters. The margin of error for the aggregate sample was ±2.1%.

According to the poll, although both sexes favored a federal ban on transgender procedures for minors, men were more likely to favor it, with 63% in favor compared to 56% for women. Among the ethnicities polled, “others” favored a ban the most at 63% compared to 61% for Whites. Of Black registered voters polled, 46% favored a ban, while 32% were opposed and 22% were not sure.

Among age demographics, the categories most in favor of a federal ban were 45-54 and 54-65, both of which polled at 61%, while 18-34 were the least in favor, albeit still at a 52% majority of them still supporting banning the procedures for minors.

Although voters with and without college degrees both favored a federal ban by more than 50%, those without degrees favored it more at 61%, while 55% of voters with a college degree supported a ban.

Voters with children supported a ban more than those without, at 61% to 52% respectively.

Geographically, rural voters favored a ban more than suburban or urban voters, at 64% compared to 57% and 58% respectively.

Regionally, the Northeast was least supportive of a federal ban, with 51% in favor. The South was the most supportive at 61%, while the Midwest favored it at 60%. Voters in the West favored a ban by 59%.

Transgender procedures on minors are now banned in 25 states, including states such as Ohio which, according to data from the nonprofit Do No Harm, was one of the top in the nation for procedures and procedures per capita. According to Do No Harm’s data, released last week, at least 13,994 transgender procedures were performed on minors across the U.S. between 2019-2023, The Center Square reported.

Do No Harm is a nonprofit group of physicians and other medical professionals that gets its name from the Hippocratic oath: "First, do no harm." According to its website, Do No Harm is "fighting to curtail the unscientific and individually harmful practice of so-called 'gender affirming care'" for children.

In an email to The Center Square, David Byler with Noble Predictive Insights, wrote that "on many issues surrounding trans rights and students or youth, the GOP has public opinion on their side. There’s a reason that, when you look at GOP ads, they are constantly hammering this and other related issues. And some prominent Democrats are pushing out moderate, rather than left, messages."

He added that "Republicans know that trans issues are a strong social issue for them – and after getting hit hard on abortion so many times since Dobbs, they want to make sure they’re pushing back and finding social issues that work for them."

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