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HomeBreakingFREED: Douglas Stream Executed Foster Father With Shotgun Blasts to Head, Chest...

FREED: Douglas Stream Executed Foster Father With Shotgun Blasts to Head, Chest | Tony Evers’ Killers & Rapists #41


Since 2019, Gov. Tony Evers’ Parole Commission has released hundreds of convicted criminals, freeing them early on parole mostly into Wisconsin communities, including more than 300 murderers and attempted murderers, and more than 47 child rapists.

Douglas Stream was one of them. His release was discretionary.

41th in the series.

Douglas Stream murdered a local foster father whose foster son wanted him dead, according the initial statement to police by Stream and his co-actor. According to court records, Stream and the friend told police in their first statements that Stream was the triggerman. He wanted on the stairs to the basement to shoot Theodore Agnello when he returned home, they said.

Stream shot the victim in the chest and then stood over him and shot him again, killing the man, they said.

According to court records, Theodore Agnello was shot to death on Feb. 18, 1996 as he entered the back door of his home.

Someone ran out the back door and down the street with a shotgun. A short time later, his foster son, Lucian Agnello, “came running out of the front of the house and asked the neighbors if they had seen anything.”

When police interrogated Lucian about the shooting, he confessed that he wanted to kill Theodore and Stream agreed to help. Lucian purchased the shotgun.

Evers’ Parole Commission Freed Douglas Stream Early

Douglas stream
Douglas stream

Date paroled:  06/14/2022 [You can look up Douglas Stream’s parole here. Put his name in the database and click “movement.”]

Current Residence: Milwaukee

Age: 47

Convicted: First-degree intentional homicide

Sentence:  Life Sentence

Douglas stream Douglas stream Douglas stream Douglas stream


The Victim: Theodore Agnello Sr, 50

What the Killer Did:

The night of the murder, the two went to the home to wait for Theodore to get home from work. Theodore drove into the driveway. Stream “stood on the stairs leading to the basement, and Stream shot Theodore twice as he entered the house.”

Douglas Stream then ran to his car and went home.

Police then interviewed Stream. “Stream said that Lucian had asked him to kill Theodore. Stream said that Lucian came to his home on the night of the shooting and that the two of them drove to Theodore’s house in separate cars,” court records say.

“Stream parked his car a few blocks away from the house and rode with Lucian to the house.  Lucian gave Stream the shotgun when they were in the house. Stream said that when Theodore arrived, Lucian went to the basement and Stream waited on the stairs to shoot Theodore as he entered. Stream said that he shot Theodore in the chest as Theodore entered the back door and that he shot Theodore again as he stood over Theodore before running out the door. Stream then ran to his car, drove home, and hid the shotgun in his attic as planned.”

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a divided state Supreme Court overturned Lucian’s conviction because he alleged his confession was coerced by police.

Douglas stream


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