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HomeEducationPoll: Milwaukee Democratic Voters Split on School Choice

Poll: Milwaukee Democratic Voters Split on School Choice


“There is more support for school choice among Democrats in Milwaukee than many people think.” – Justin Moralez, of the Wisconsin Federation for Children

A new poll shows nearly a third of Democratic primary voters support Milwaukee school choice.

“Democratic candidates should not ignore or run away from the fact that their constituents support school choice,” Justin Moralez, the Wisconsin Federation for Children state director said.

The Wisconsin Federation for Children on Tuesday released the poll from the Remington Research Group, polling group headquartered in Kansas City, Mo.

Pollsters say 31% of people asked said they support vouchers, while 49% oppose them. But the Federation says another 20% didn’t have an opinion, which means voters are nearly evenly split.

The poll shows support among Democrats in Milwaukee County for both school vouchers and public charter schools. The survey was conducted July 27 through July 29, and polled 766 likely 2022 Democratic Primary Election voters. The margin of error is +/- 3.3%.

The question on vouchers asked: “School voucher programs provide a state-funded payment to families for their children to attend a private school. Generally speaking, do you support or oppose the concept of school voucher programs?”

The pollsters asked: “Public charter schools are schools that have independence from many school district rules. Generally speaking, do you support or oppose the concept of public charter schools?”

It’s a similar breakdown when it comes to charter schools.

Support for Milwaukee School Choice

Again, the Federation’s Moralez said that means there is more support for Milwaukee school choice among Democrats than many people think.

“A strong, growing segment supports school choice,” Moralez said. “When politicians state that they want to limit or eliminate the voucher program, they are really hurting these historically marginalized students.”

Thirty percent of voters said they support public charter schools, while 44% said they opposed them. Twenty-five percent of voters didn’t have an opinion.

The poll also asked about what the government’s top priority should be. Voters said it’s dealing with crime. Pollsters also asked about the Democratic race for U.S. Senate. Mandela Barnes got the most support at 34% of the vote. Thirty-eight percent of Democratic primary voters said they had not made up their mind yet.

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