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HomeBreakingPresident 'Dr.' Jill Biden Is Behaving Despicably

President ‘Dr.’ Jill Biden Is Behaving Despicably [WRN VOICES]


This is an opinion piece.

The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is over. Shown only on CNN, which enjoyed higher ratings than it usually experiences, 51.27 million people tuned in. That number equates to 33% of people who voted in the presidential election of 2020 (a record, for the 21st century, 66.8% turnout at the time with 154.6 million votes cast). Of course, not all those watching may have been of voting age or even American citizens, but it is a good bet that many were. And many have concerns.

Trump clearly won. The AP and Democratic-slanted outlets, including Joe Biden, insist that all Trump did was lie, lie, lie. Although Trump got some things wrong, some people on the left want to ignore the fact that Biden told falsehoods and half-truths in the debate. To Trump’s credit, he was able to debunk the Charlottesville quote that the left and Biden seem so fond of. Trump said that there were “very fine people on both sides,” but he made it clear that he wasn’t talking about neo-Nazis or white nationalists. Biden implied otherwise.

Before the debate, even the left-leaning Snopes came through with a “false” in favor of Trump on that long-standing liberal whopper, saying that Trump made it clear the neo-Nazis and white nationalists should be “condemned totally.”

In the same vein, Biden falsely claimed that he was endorsed by the Border Patrol. The National Border Patrol Union wrote on X, “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.” A union for the Border Patrol did endorse an immigration proposal the White House worked on, but that’s not the same thing.

However, to the media’s credit, they finally did question Biden’s mental abilities. Clearly, something was wrong. Many of us have noticed such for a few years. Fox News has often run clips of Joe falling for no reason, (while the mainstream media ignored such and protected Joe). Speaking incoherently or oddly whispering. Freezing up. Staring. Sounding angry. Wandering off after events. Biden’s White House press speaker, Karine Jean-Pierre deemed reports or films of Joe acting senile or dementia-riddled as “Cheap Fakes.

“Cheap Fakes” apparently means actual film footage of the Commander-In-Chief looking infirm or out of it, but you shouldn’t believe your own eyes. Just like the story of The Emperor has no Clothes.

Well, on June 27, Americans were able to witness an old man who has no business being president. A man who couldn’t speak without losing his train of thought. A man who looked like a cadaver. A man who appeared frail and confused. A man who simply made things up (such as the claim that no troops ever died under his watch – Afghanistan anyone???).

Trump, to his credit, could have ripped his opponent to shreds and been nasty. He did not. Trump actually held back. The only reference to Biden’s questionable mental acuity was when Trump said, after Biden had uttered yet another incoherent statement, “I really don’t know what he said – and I don’t think he does either.”

Fast forward to how in the heck did America get to this point with a president who has no business being president? Remember that 25th Amendment and how the left was clamoring all during Trump’s presidential term to invoke such? As if Trump was unfit for office!!! Well, Biden – who clearly is unfit – sure has help – and from those who want to stay in power. Surrounded by his “loved ones,” his wife is particularly despicable and should be held accountable. Hunter is right in there, too, even joining presidential meetings.

Jill has to know Joe’s issues and probably has for a long time, yet she allows this charade to continue. Witness “Dr.” Jill taking Joe’s hand after the debate to guide him off the stage and help him down the few tiny steps! Biden looks like a child. It was painful to watch. Afterwards, Jill was applauding her hubby for his debate performance, saying “you answered every question, Joe!” Maybe she promised him an ice cream cone if he behaved.

Jill sure seems to love the power. Jill doesn’t seem to care about her husband’s issues. Nor does Hunter. It is all about power. Such selfish people! What a family. After the debate, the really big question that all Americans should be asking themselves is: WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY? It clearly is NOT Joe Biden.

My personal opinion is that “Dr.” Jill wields a lot of clout. And she seems to like being in charge. And she appears to not care what shape Joe is in. Barack Obama and George Soros are also possibly tinkering behind the scenes.

So, in essence, the inner circle of the White House and outsiders may be running the country. They were not elected! Hasn’t this situation shaken the very foundation of the country?

Unlike the riot on Jan. 6 of 2021, this is a REAL attack on Democracy – when unelected people may be running the country!!! This should frighten and anger every American! So, the choice is simple in 2024. Vote for Trump – a proven, successful president – or vote for Dr. Jill.

Amy Hemmer
Hello WRN readers! I am very honored to have been chosen to write for Wisconsin Right Now. Years ago I penned a conservative column called "It's Hemmer Time" for the now-defunct Lake Country Reporter. I also like to keep The Waukesha Freeman busy with my frequent "Letters to the Editor." Writing has always been a passion of mine and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to an excellent news source like Wisconsin Right Now. A brief background of yours truly: I graduated from UW-Madison in 1982 with a degree in Graphic Arts. I loved my time in Madison and was actually very liberal upon graduation. However, after working in the real world, I soon grew up, got smart, and became very conservative. VERY conservative. I have been happily married for 38 year and have three great adult children, as well as an assortment of furry friends. My hobbies include, but are not limited to, politics, jigsaw puzzles, target shooting, volleyball, cooking, biking, reading, and - of course - writing. I am also currently serving my third term as an elected school board official of the Arrowhead Union High School. Prior to Arrowhead, I served two terms as a school board member for the Merton School District. Being a school board member in today's political climate has been very challenging, but at the same time very rewarding. More to come on that topic! At my age, I feel many of my past, present, and future experiences and observations will make for an interesting read. I am very frightened for our country right now, like a majority of Americans. The old mantra of "Make America Great Again," has been discarded and stomped on by Biden & Co. for too long. It IS time to take our country back, and in my own small way I hope,via my words, to contribute to that cause. This column represents her own personal opinions and not the school board or this publication.

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